There’s some­thing pretty amaz­ing about a con­cert in your home, sur­rounded by friends that are there to lis­ten to the music. For the artist, it’s about hav­ing an audi­ence that is more focused on lis­ten­ing than chat­ting at the bar. For the audi­ence, it’s an inti­mate expe­ri­ence in a com­fort­able set­ting where you can hear every word of a song and inter­act with a musi­cian in a way that bars and clubs don’t typ­i­cally allow. House con­certs have quickly become the gigs I look for­ward to most.

Here’s how a house con­cert works:

  • You have a space (liv­ing room, back­yard, what­ever) that can com­fort­ably hold 15+ peo­ple. The aver­age house con­cert seems to be about 25 peo­ple, but smaller or larger is fine.
  • Barak Hill and Dallas Jones, House ConcertWe’ll set a date and time for the event, then you invite your friends. Peo­ple that will dig the music and appre­ci­ate the set­ting. These are lis­ten­ing events. It can be tough for young kids (and some adults) to respect the quiet, inti­mate setting.
  • Usu­ally, I don’t worry about charg­ing a cover. I put out a tip jar and ask that you let every­one know that a sug­gested dona­tion (around $10 on aver­age) is very much appre­ci­ated and that 100% of the dona­tions go to sup­port­ing the artist.
  • Invite every­one to arrive about an hour early or to stay after the show to chat. Once the music starts it’s best for the artist and the audi­ence if every­one set­tles in to listen.

If you’ve got a liv­ing room or a back­yard, let’s fill it with music. If you can pull together 10 peo­ple or 100 peo­ple, I’ll show up, gui­tar in hand. Contact me and let me know if you’re inter­ested in host­ing your own house concert.

Copyright © 2015 Barak Hill